Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My flip flops are your flip flops...

Today was a most interesting day. Not only was it the first time I left my kids (in school) in one town and drove 1.5 hours to another town, BUT it was also the first time I ever saw someone having sex on a sidewalk.

Big cities are nice to visit ... but I am sure glad our town is the size it is. The only reason why I went into the big city was to hang out with my baby brother that is (was) in the hospital. Well turns out it was a good thing I went, cause today they let him go home. His blood looked good, x-rays looked great and well to be very honest they needed the bed (I find that strange since the bed next to him was empty ... but whatever).

So after a very interesting day (I have never seen so many cracked out people in my life) I packed up my baby brother and brought him home (still in his hospital gown and a pair of flip flops).

It does kill me to see how skinny he has become and I look forward to fattening him up!

Many emotions running around my head.... but a big thank you to my girlfriend who picked up my babies and gave them a wonderful afternoon!

My brother wore the flip flops today!


for a different kind of girl said...

Glad he's been released. Hope the healing process sticks to the brightside of the plan!

Deb said...

I am happy about your brother and will send positive thoughts and prayers his way for a healthy recovery BUT what about the sex on the sidewalk - where's the rest of that story?