Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Shut up... is running like a loop in my head...

10 things I am surprised by...

1. ... people use facebook to pick on others
2. ... my lack of ability to set boundaries with people
3. ... how afraid I can feel just being myself
4. ... sex can cause bladder infection
5. ... how messy the house can get in such a short time
6. ... how much I can dislike a person and feel bad about it
7. ... why people think I would know how someone lost their weight
8. ... how people judge others easier because they lost weight
9. ... are people really that stupid that they think skinny people are nicer
10. ... how much anger I have today...


for a different kind of girl said...

Sometimes a little anger is a fantastic tool. Own it, girl!

Andrea with the Flipflops said...

It just shocks me that I have it... cause I had no clue it was even there! Owning and now thinking of taking up drinking! Thank ya.

imbeingheldhostage said...

Great post. Angry or not. It's easy to be angry with a sex-induced bladder infection...

About FB, is anyone else as freaked out as I am that people from high school seem to think you can just pick up where you left off?

I think your list wound me up, I'm usually not so opinionated. ;-)