Monday, November 24, 2008

10 crazy things...

Wow time has flew by. Been so crazy busy and enjoying life.

10 crazy fun things that have happened lately....

1. My golden retriever peed on the back of my new little dog. Yellow stripe right up her back. Seems the little puppy does not understand not to walk under the big dog. LMAO. (the girls screamed like the dog was being killed)

2. I change my living room furniture around again. (making room for the Christmas tree)

3. Big Daddy bought me the most beautiful flowers ... stargazers and all.

4. My girls told me what plastic surgery was. (turns out it is when they wrap plastic around your body and you don't look anything like how God made you)

5. My husband was in an accident and it was 100% his fault. ($1600 damage to our truck... no clue about the other car)

6. I got a new dishwasher, Fridge and stove! ($275 - they are 5 yrs old and the owners just wanted them gone)

7. My MIL sent one of her painters to paint my main bathroom. (looks amazing)

8. I am almost done my Christmas shopping.

9. I am still waiting on the results for my daughters EEG. GGRRR!

10. I had my hubby serve me breaky in bed! (2 mornings in a row)

Wow, has it been a crazy time.

Andrea with the indoor flip flops!

1 comment:

for a different kind of girl said...

Dang, woman! Aside from the accident and waiting for test results (and OK, maybe the dog's peeing habits, which, ha!), that's some pretty good crazy you have going on!