Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Million roads I have to take..." no clue who sang that.... country I think.

So true, my hubby is a long haul truck driver... and he takes many roads to come home. It is funny the stigma that goes with being a trucker or a truckers wife. When I tell people what he does for a living it is surprising how many people say they are sorry. I would say 98% of all say sorry... and then there is the small 2% that say... aren't you lucky. Well this is what I think...

-trucking is a job... a job that can pay well.
-things always need to be trucked (praise God in this day and age)
- a way to sent your own hours and holidays
- your family can go with you
-distance makes the heart grow fonder
- we feel lonely at times
- sometimes I feel angry that I have to do most of the raising of the children
- we have learnt to be great comunitcators cause we talk so much on the phone
- not all truckers are fat
- not all truckers cheat... really, that seems very strange to type... since look at all the men and women cheating these days
- I would be just fine with any of my children being truckers
- there should be no shame in trucking
- good girlfriends are a must

I am blessed to have a hardworking trucken man that has a heart of gold! I am blessed to be able to stay home and raise our babies (even if I love 8pm as I tuck the last one in on crazy days). I am blessed to be married to a man that can talk to me on the phone for over 2 hours and still have more to say. I am blessed to have a husband that will take the million roads just to come and see me!

Really... I don't need sorrys... do I.


Deb said...

I am so happy to hear from you! I have been worried about you. And don't you EVER apologize - EVER! Hope you have been healthy, safe and happy with that wonderful family of yours!

for a different kind of girl said...

Hey! Look who is out there!

When people tell you they're sorry, you should tell them everything you said here! You've got a great family and a great marriage and a means of supporting them. Why would you need to be felt sorry for?