Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday missmash...

Well, I had a lovely weekend with hubby and the kids. One of the best parts was having dinner with good friends. We had fun, played a game (I won ... just saying is all), hot tubbed and relaxed. Very lovely.

I am learning a few new things about me ... like I have no flipping clue what my decorating style is ... I find it hard to let go of friendships when they have come to the end (I seem to take this very personally... when I very well know people grow together and apart)... and I do enjoy having a clean house.

So, to add to theses things I have purchased myself a magazine called Style at home (Canada), second one I am not sure where to go with that, and the third... keep on tiding up as wells as enlisting the children to do a bit more. Seems I have forgotten that I have 3 very capable children! LOL.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't really know what my decorating style is either, but i sure do love watching those decorating shows. some stuff i love, other stuff not so much, i am finding stuff i bought years ago i know longer like, i guess your taste changes as you get older.