Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Small, but you try sleeping in a room with one...

I have a slight addiction... beyond even the chocolate addiction I have perfected... I Andrea with the Flip Flops have an addiction to moving my furniture around every 3 months. To me this does not seem like a big deal. (there has to be others out there) I think three months is a long time ... and I am not hurting anyone ... and and I just have to.

So this weekend (do to all the issue going on) Big Daddy went and purchased us a home theater system. (retail therapy for the entire family) Well now this tv is on my wall... and do to its size ... what the heck am I going to do in 3 months!!!! Where the heck am I going to put my Christmas tree.... the mother of all trees. It always goes in my Living room. But now my Living room has apparently become a theater.... where nothing can move ... and a Christmas tree has no home! Do you hear the panic in my typing. People these are real issues.... never mind all the issues of yesterday... we pretend those don't exist on a regular basis... lol.

Yes, the living room looks NICE (nice for you know having young kids that will wreck anything in their path)... but in 3 months I will be board of the look and want to change it... and then I will see the tv ... and it will drive me nuts. Like a mosquito in your room at night (just try falling asleep with the thing buzzing). Just a small thing ... but it can sure bug the heck out of ya! (no pun intended here folks)

So when the end of November hits I will be posting a picture of my living room and I will be asking for help as to where to put my almost dead Christmas tree.

Andrea with the Flip Flops


Kahshe Cottager said...

I used to do this in my classroom regularly but not so much at home! People thought I was nuts too but I thought it was energizing!

Thanks for your visit to my blog - it's always nice to meet new people!

for a different kind of girl said...

I wish I could change my furniture around. Based on the outlets and the cable, etc., my rooms are, essentially, landlocked, just one big rectangle. One day, I want a wall-mounted TV, but even that won't set me free!

Deb said...

Hi ~ I have been there, done that! About 7 years ago I sent my husband to the store for milk and he and my two sons arrived home with the biggest, ugliest box TV - and I freaked out. Where would I put our Christmas tree? I figured it out finally but I hated that TV - and am much happier with our new flat screen but that does limit furniture movement! Good luck. :)

Anonymous said...

we got a big tv but i specifically did not put it on the wall for this very reason.
we've been in this home for 15 years now and so far, the tree has never been in the same spot twice.