Saturday, October 4, 2008

We can all change...

All the hard work we have all put in for helping our oldest go through a very anxious season in his life has now started paying off daily. Every day he surprises us with one huge gain or another. I don't kid myself, we have days that are tough ... where by the end of the school day his ability to keep all his emotions in check start wearing down and the smallest thing as he is leaves the classroom can set him off. However that being said .... dude is doing great. Anxious moments are becoming farther and fewer between. I am just shocked, completely shocked to have the child I have today. I could never have thought he would just gain this confidence and coping skills (that I must say most adults don't even have) at such a young age!

Anxiety can be a very lonely walk ... however we have always been very open about the Anxiety that our child has had and he also has been open about it. Letting him know that the Anxiety is not him ... it is just a worry dragon and with some training you could kick that Worry Dragon right off this planet! Gotta say that has really done us well. I can't wait to see what this year brings.

A few months ago we caught him counciling his uncle on how to tame his worry dragon. My brother looked at me and said "that kid is good" .... I can see already that the training our little man has had will go to good use for others via him sharing his stories!

One proud Mamma!


for a different kind of girl said...

Your son sounds pretty amazing. That he can guide himself in a way that makes him want to even help others is amazing. You've every right plus some to be very proud!

Anonymous said...

my son still has some minor issues, he's 17 now, but the change in him from when he was younger is huge. some people just worry, it's in their nature, but i think it's when they start to understand they are better able to cope with what happens to them. it sounds like he's doing great.

Akelamalu said...

I popped over from Debs and I can see why she passed the award on to you. :)

Your son sounds amazing, you must be very proud. :)

Deb said...

Hi ~ You should be very proud of your son AND a pat on the back to you and your husband. You obviously have given him the support, strategies and love that he needs to change. Parenting is the hardest job -but I bet you already know that!

There is a surprise for you over at my place. Stop by when you get a chance. Sorry - it is not chocolate! :)

Louise said...

Came from Nourish the Soul to check you out due to your award. Congratulations! I like your writing style!