Monday, September 8, 2008

Where is the hired help...

Today I am free ... free and not crying. I am so excited to have a day for myself. At 11am I am off to the spa. I will get my hair done (color/cut) and relax. I shall be treated like the Princess I am. Now all will come to realize, that I Princess of The Flip Flops, has dark hair. All light colors will be wiped away, leaving dark dark, almost black as night hair. (snow white ain't got nothin on me baby)

The Princess of the Flip Flops can not believe how expensive sending three kids to public school can be. Child number one $90 (supplies/planner ... cause he really gives a care what the heck he is doing in the week), child number two $72 (for what I have no clue cause the teacher does the shopping) and child number three $77 (an extra 5 above number 2 cause she also does cooking???). So that make $239 for 3 children under the age of 10, who will break and lose everything... and that does not include all back to school back packs and clothing. SHOOT ME NOW PLEASE... what happens to the people that can't afford to pay that. (oh and side note lets not mention the $$$ each year we pay in taxes to flip flop city for the schooling)

Oh-kay, that being said I am now off to spend more of Big Daddy's hard earned cash! But he knows what it takes to keep the Princess happy...

Andrea with the Flip Flops


Deb said...

Ahhh... enjoy your day. There is nothing like a spa day to make you feel like a new woman. I love hot stone massages - I fall asleep and drool like a baby. I am due for a pedicure soon after a summer of being barefoot and wearing flip flops! And as much as I miss my little ones being all grown up and out of school - I do not miss the back to school craziness! Enjoy your day! :)

for a different kind of girl said...

Ah...a spa....I'm envious! This reminds me that I have a gift certificate to a place I need to use soon. I have about enough to get my nails done, but that works for me. Mine are looking pretty gnarly.

Um, I'm also envious of your school costs! Just to get my youngest to and from school on the bus is costing me $280 this yer. Thankfully, my oldest can safely walk to his school, because I'd have to take out a loan if not! It's amazing how much it all adds up!

Anonymous said...

enjoy your spa day! wish i was with you.
just wait until you hit the university tuition days, bet i'll hear the screaming from here.

Jennifer said...

I hear ya sista!!