Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Odd People...

Wow what a crazy few days. Just to let you know the student is wonderful. He has been very kind and polite.... and he is 16 ... that is impressive.

But one of the neatest things this long weekend was people watching in the Vancouver Airport. Ok there are a lot of interesting people in the world and interesting behaviours that happen in public. Wow... really that is what I have to say on this subject. I saw people run into each others arms (make me puke) and I saw many different kinds of signs held up. One girl called her boyfriend a geek cause he made her a cute sign and flowers. So Big Daddy clapped when he left and told him "good job". LOL. Yes my husband can make an ass of himself anywhere, anytime! LOL.

So now I am going to learn German and a lot about Germany. If you have any tips or food ideas... now would be a great time to share.


1 comment:

for a different kind of girl said...

I'm probably of very little help when I admit that the ony German food I'm even the littlest bit fond of us German chocolate cake, and that is stretching the boundaries of German food about as much as my hips when I have that cake around!

Sounds like you have an adventure ahead of you!