Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday low down...

Today is an exciting day of hanging in backyard, swimming in the pool and... well not doing much. Sounds perfect to me!

Our oldest went on a trip with Big Daddy, so that leaves just the girls and I. Funny how quiet the house is with one less child. I can't handle the quiet so I invited 2 boys over! LOL , things will be back to the normal level of chaos.

Yesterday we started our new budget (since my hubby will not be getting a pay check til Sept 15th) ... and the "budget" means spend as little as possible. I can not stress how excited I am for September 15th!

Badder Baby is being just that. I giggled cause she was looking for her swimsuit and it was on her body. Well she caught me giggling, and growled at me. I explained to her that we all need to be able to laugh at ourselves when we do something funny ( heck that was on Rolly Polly Olly yesterday... are we not learning anything from this crap TV). Well then she got even angrier and stormed down to her room. Hello Drama queen! Ah... now I will have to go an attend to her attitude that is larger then life.

Enjoy your day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yikes, just wait until she hits her teens!
i agree, sounds like a perfect day of doing nothing, enjoy.